We can assist you with company formations for…
- An off the shelf ready made company;
- A tailor made company;
- Company limited by guarantee
To check the availability of a Limited Company name, GIVE US A CALL..
Our Company formation packages can include…
- Advice on the pros and cons of incorporation in your own situation;
- Appointment of directors;
- Appointment of company secretary;
- Issue of subscriber shares;
- Registered office services;
- Completion of all necessary minutes and resolutions;
- Assistance in opening a bank account;
- Tax review with regard to company formation
- Tax registration; VAT, PAYE, Corporation tax
- Company registration for Corporation Tax;
- Set up of Company PAYE scheme;
- Book-keeping set-up advice;
- Business plans;
- Assistance with raising finance.
Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, would like a free consultation or a fixed fee quote.